What would you do if you won a 42 inch Vizio LCD TV? For me, that would be awesome, considering our plasma TV has been acting up lately. If, by some miraculous force, our current television takes us through the future, my son would very much enjoy this TV if we were to win it.

My son is 14 and has the smallest room ever (or it seems that way). Our younger two children get the bigger room because they share. Currently, he has a bulky, clunker TV in his room and he just earned himself an XBOX 360... and on his TV, the graphics are not quality at all! The 360 is the best thing he's probably ever received (in his mind) and I could only imagine how he would feel about a space saving, awesome TV too! 

It would be fabulous to win this and I'm sure many of you feel that way too - so mosey on over to their website and enter yourself! Good Luck!

Lovely Rita

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