Lifetime premiered a movie today - The Pregnancy Pact. What a movie. These girls are absolutely crazy! Trust me, I know it happens. It happened to me. I gave birth to my son only two weeks after my 15th birthday. I never thought it would happen to me - it did. Let's just say I grew up real fast and it helped mold me into the person I am today.

Back to "The Pregnancy Pact." What were these girls thinking? All over one girl wanting to be like Jamie Lynn Spears. It was very difficult being a teenage mother. Why anyone would deliberately do this to themselves is beyond me. It has shown these girls at parties drinking alcohol and at HOME smoking - in the presence of her guardian! The movie was alright... not everything I thought it would be. 

So my 14 year old son has three friends over tonight. I'm not sure that he has ever had that many stay the night at once. Surprisingly, they are being somewhat quiet. TheirGuitar Hero can get a little loud here and there but nothing that is really bothering us. We'll see how it goes after we lay down to sleep. Awake children always seem louder at that point. 

Baby Dominic has been extra fussy today for some reason. At first, it seemed as if he was fighting his sleep (and most of the time I think he very well might have been) but other times, it seemed as if something were wrong. We have taken him to the doctor a few times and he has been switched formulas a couple of times. He is currently on Similac Alimentum. I'm thinking I will call his doctor Monday morning if he continues to act this way tonight and tomorrow.

Sleep is calling my name. Nighty Night... 

Back to Life, 
Lovely Rita

1/24/2010 12:09:54 am

I know right? I watched that movie last night too... I was soo aggrivated. Gf had to tell me to stop yelling at the TV several times. lol

1/24/2010 12:03:43 pm

OH I am bummed, I meant to DVR this so much going on, I forgot.

1/24/2010 03:21:01 pm

I can't believe how these girls ever thought that it would be fun to be pregnant at 15. I was a single momma in my early twenties and the baby wasn't born until after I graduated from college. I can't imagine having a child in high school.

1/30/2010 11:49:49 am

I watched the movie - CRAZY. I too was a teen Mom and cannot imagine why these girls wanted to be.


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