So here I am... relaxing after a long day in Chico. Yes, you heard right, I got out of the house. Surprising, huh? Bobby wanted to go shopping for a couple of things. The weather wasn't too bad. So we piled up little B and baby D and off we went. Our first stop was the Chico Mall. Bobby got some pants from Anchor Blue. Next we went to Wendy's to eat - little B's choice. Then off to Game Stop we went... we spent too much money there. Then we stopped by Toys R Us to grab little B a prize and to check on a monitor for baby D. They didn't have a monitor we wanted. Last, we ran into Wal-Mart for a couple of necessities. Guess what I got all day? Tampons and face moisturizer.
baby D's first trip to Wendy's
It's mostly my fault. I really couldn't find any clothing that I wanted. The pants I tried on were too tight, some shirts I found were too thin, and the shoes I kind of wanted were too expensive. This trip (and the fact that my current selection of clothing is very limited) made me get into an "I NEED to lose weight" mode. It's time. I have had the baby and my post-partem days are over. Let's do this! Bobby starts his first day of the new semester tomorrow. It is going to be weird being here without his help all day. I don't have to freak out just yet. His sister is going to come over tomorrow to help me out. He has to leave at nine in the morning and I just don't know if I will be able to get up that early and take a shower... I'm not quite the morning person. Eventually, we'll get the hang of it. Hopefully within a week or two. I'm sure there is more that I have to say because I actually did something today. But now that I did do something, I'm tired. So tired I think I need to get some rest. Well I will probably have Bobby go to sleep since he has school tomorrow and I will stay up with our little baby. Goodnight...Back to Life,Lovely Rita

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