This is my first "Not Me" Monday post. It looked fun so I thought I would try it out.... 

So today I did NOT put a sign up on my door telling the lawn mowing men to Ssshhh because there was a sleeping baby. I did not take advantage of the note even after our baby was awake by leaving it up... that I did NOT do. 

I did NOT open a box of my friends Girl Scout cookies because mine will not be in until Wednesday and I know she is not going to get them by then. After NOT opening them, I did NOT almost eat the whole box. Nope, not me.

Today I did NOT check Solei Moon Frye's blog a million time to see if my picture of my son was winning the photo contest. I did NOT do that. I was too busy to check that a million times.

On a quiet note, I did NOT order 13 boxes of Girl Scout cookies from my daughter. I did NOT do this because if I did my fiance would have a fit... I did NOT contemplate on how I was going to hide these cookies or pay for them secretly for that matter. This I would NEVER do... so no, I did NOT do this. 

I'm bad. Hopefully he still doesn't follow my blog. lol

Lovely Rita
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

3/2/2010 01:00:03 am

Hahaha Rita!
Firsts off Congrats. I know babies are a handful. I don't have any, but seeing my sisters and sis-in-laws trying to raise a baby; well, i have new found respect for all the newly Moms :)


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