Ahhh... here I am again. I'm back :) We've been so busy! We got down to the last days of being able to take Girl Scout cookie orders and I've been trying to help my daughter reach her goal. Her goal for actual Girl Scouts was 100 - her "over-the-top" goal was 2,000 for a laptop. She managed to sell 233 boxes. Not too bad! So after all that, I just picked up the first order of cookies. I have 143 boxes hanging out in my dining room to separate & deliver... busy, busy, busy.

Then there is the never-ending story of laundry. Just when you think you're caught up, there comes some more. I thought I was caught up a couple of days ago and now (all of a sudden) I have four loads I'm sure. We just got a new bed set so I had to wash a load of sheets today... can't wait to sleep in them!

Anyway, maybe I'll blog some more tomorrow... there are so many things I have to do running through my mind! 

Lovely Rita

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